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Hedges et al. 1997
- series: Hedges et al. 1997
| OxA-4937 | France | | 0 | 0 | Abri de la Fru | 7748 | bone | | -19.9 | 13810 | 110 | | 0.1792 | 0.0024 | |
| OxA-5643 | France | | 0 | 0 | Auneau-Le Parc du Chateau | 8245 | bone | aurochs | -20.48 | 9010 | 90 | | 0.3259 | 0.0035 | |
| OxA-4938 | France | | 0 | 0 | Auxerre, St. Germain | 7744 | bone | human | -18.78 | 1800 | 60 | | 0.7992 | 0.0058 | |
| OxA-4939 | France | | 0 | 0 | Auxerre, St. Germain | 7745 | bone | human | -18.94 | 1525 | 50 | | 0.827 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-4267 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Ballinunty | 34/F21171 | antler | Alces alces | -19.6 | 10 | 70 | | 0.998756 | 0.00870321 | |
| OxA-4087 | France | | 3.16667 | 44.4 | Balloy | BAL.LR.87/st1/24 | bone | - | -22.8 | 6180 | 90 | | 0.463325 | 0.00519099 | |
| OxA-4249 | Ireland | | -7.71667 | 52.1 | Ballynamintra | 60/F21166 | bone | Megaceros giganteus | -20.5 | 11110 | 110 | | 0.250814 | 0.00343452 | |
| OxA-4250 | Ireland | | -7.71667 | 52.1 | Ballynamintra | 61/ | bone | human radius | -22.5 | 4230 | 75 | | 0.590623 | 0.00551434 | |
| OxA-4251 | Ireland | | -7.71667 | 52.1 | Ballynamintra | 62/F21167 | bone | Lepus timidus | -23.1 | 1500 | 65 | | 0.829668 | 0.00671336 | |
| OxA-5361 | France | | 0 | 0 | Bufua, Figari, Corsica | 7869 | bone | deer | -20.27 | 425 | 50 | | 0.9485 | 0.0058 | |
| OxA-5974 | France | | -4.16667 | 48.15 | Cairn de Ty-Floc'h | 8333 | bone | human | -21.61 | 5270 | 80 | | 0.5189 | 0.0055 | |
| OxA-4720 | Romania | | 28.6667 | 44.2 | Constanta | 7249-TOM 93.1 | charcoal | | -24.1 | 1710 | 65 | | 0.8081 | 0.0064 | |
| OxA-3692 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Curran Point | 30/ K1363 | tooth | Equus caballus | -22.1 | 380 | 60 | | 0.953797 | 0.00712409 | |
| OxA-4566 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 71, NMI 325 | bone | Ovis aries | -19.6 | 5050 | 90 | | 0.5332 | 0.0059 | |
| OxA-4567 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 72, NMI 129 | bone | Bos taurus | -22.9 | 3050 | 70 | | 0.6841 | 0.0059 | |
| OxA-4568 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 73, NMI EL | bone | Sus domesticus | -19.2 | 6870 | 90 | | 0.4249 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-4569 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 74 | bone | Ovis aries | -13.9 | 7250 | 100 | | 0.4054 | 0.0049 | |
| OxA-4570 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 75, NMI 317 | bone | Sus scrofa | -20.2 | 5600 | 80 | | 0.4981 | 0.0049 | |
| OxA-4571 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 76 | bone | Bos taurus | -21.4 | 4820 | 75 | | 0.5489 | 0.0051 | |
| OxA-4572 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Dalkey Island | 77 | bone | Ursus arctos | -11.4 | 6410 | 110 | | 0.4503 | 0.0059 | |
| OxA-3714 | Ireland | | -7.75 | 53.0833 | Derrykeel | 27/ F16010 | tooth | Ursus arctos | -19.5 | 8880 | 90 | | 0.331065 | 0.00370918 | |
| OxA-6129 | France | | 0 | 0 | Devezes de Maymac | 8361 | bone | human | -20.36 | 4385 | 65 | | 0.5793 | 0.0046 | |
| OxA-3713 | Ireland | | -7.45 | 52.9167 | Donore Bog | 26/ F16002 & F16003 | tooth | Ursus arctos | -19.4 | 8930 | 80 | | 0.329011 | 0.00327659 | |
| OxA-3701 | Ireland | | -9 | 52.6667 | Edenvale Cave | 2/ F21100 | bone | Rangifer tarandus | -19.5 | 10850 | 80 | | 0.259064 | 0.00258 | |
| OxA-3702 | Ireland | | -9 | 52.6667 | Edenvale Cave | 4/ F21138 | bone | Dicrostonyx torquatas | -19.8 | 10000 | 80 | | 0.28798 | 0.00286797 | |
| OxA-4918 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Ferriter's Cove | Fc/F17A, 81 | bone | Cervid/Bovid | -13.9 | 5545 | 65 | | 0.5071 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-3869 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Ferriters Cove | 302 | bone | Bos | -18.1 | 5510 | 70 | | 0.503626 | 0.00438863 | |
| OxA-5770 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Ferriters Cove II | FC84,II,72,B | tooth | human | -14.12 | 5590 | 60 | | 0.4987 | 0.0038 | |
| OxA-5741 | Ireland | | -8.41667 | 52.1667 | Foley Cave | 94, FC 1 | bone | Musela erminea | -22.08 | 305 | 65 | | 0.9627 | 0.0077 | |
| OxA-5742 | Ireland | | -8.41667 | 52.1667 | Foley Cave | 95, FC 22 | bone | Martes martes | -20.64 | 2555 | 50 | | 0.7278 | 0.0045 | |
| OxA-4270 | Ireland | | -8.51667 | 51.8667 | Garransdarragh | 69, | bone | Megaceros giganteus | -19.4 | 11820 | 120 | | 0.229597 | 0.0034298 | |
| OxA-5844 | UK | | -2.94704 | 51.32 | Haywood Cave | IV 4Z/10/z | bone | human | -20.78 | 4860 | 65 | | 0.5459 | 0.0045 | |
| OxA-5910 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | Hen6,TP1/10 & 11 | bone | Gall. n sp. | -23.86 | 13420 | 340 | | 0.1883 | 0.0077 | |
| OxA-5911 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | Hen6,TP1/16 | bone | Pluv. fulva | -24.62 | 9020 | 220 | | 0.3255 | 0.0087 | |
| OxA-6015 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 1/Hen 5 TP8 Spit 1 | bone | Ducula pigeon | -19.09 | 860 | 55 | | 0.8986 | 0.0063 | |
| OxA-6016 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 2/Hen 5 TP8 Spit 3 | bone | Ducula pigeon | -19.83 | 755 | 55 | | 0.9103 | 0.0062 | |
| OxA-6017 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 3/Hen 5 TP8 Spit 4 | bone | Ducula pigeon | -20.42 | 900 | 55 | | 0.894 | 0.0061 | |
| OxA-6018 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 4/Hen 6 TP1 Spits 15 & 16 | bone | Gallicolumba pigeon | -20.06 | 2320 | 60 | | 0.749 | 0.0057 | |
| OxA-6019 | Pitcairn Island | | -128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 4/Hen 10 TP1 Spit 'burrow' | bone | Gallicolumba pigeon | -23.38 | 1885 | 55 | | 0.791 | 0.0056 | |
| OxA-5452 | Pitcairn Island | | 128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 1,Hen6,TP1/7 | bone | Duc.nsp,sternum | -19.02 | 800 | 50 | | 0.9053 | 0.0056 | |
| OxA-5453 | Pitcairn Island | | 128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 4,Hen5,TP9/8 | bone | Duc.nsp.tasomet | -17.9 | 2065 | 55 | | 0.7731 | 0.0051 | |
| OxA-5454 | Pitcairn Island | | 128.3 | -24.3667 | Henderson Island | 5,Hen5,TP1/6 | bone | Duc.nsp.sternum | -19.41 | 1295 | 50 | | 0.8511 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-5683 | France | | 0 | 0 | Houleau | 8227 | bone | human | -19.75 | 9250 | 80 | | 0.3161 | 0.0031 | |
| OxA-6054 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 49, 3490 | bone | pig | -21.85 | 2535 | 45 | | 0.7292 | 0.0043 | |
| OxA-6055 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 105, 4217 | bone | amphibian | -22.14 | 5400 | 55 | | 0.5105 | 0.0036 | |
| OxA-6060 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 14, 123 | plant remains | hazel nut | -30.69 | 3435 | 55 | | 0.652 | 0.0047 | |
| OxA-6061 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 14, 123 | plant remains | hazel nut | -30.37 | 3525 | 45 | | 0.6448 | 0.0035 | |
| OxA-6062 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 16, 74 | plant remains | hazel nut | -29.6 | 4040 | 45 | | 0.6049 | 0.0033 | |
| OxA-6063 | UK | | -0.231525 | 52.3328 | Huntingdon Racecourse | STU HRC 95, 16, 74 | plant remains | hazel nut | -27.77 | 3960 | 45 | | 0.6108 | 0.0033 | |
| OxA-4391 | France | | 0 | 0 | Ilay | 6978 | sediment | - | -28.1 | 1705 | 65 | | 0.808763 | 0.0065442 | |
| OxA-4392 | France | | 0 | 0 | Ilay | 6979 | sediment | | -27.1 | 1610 | 65 | | 0.818384 | 0.00662206 | |
| OxA-5993 | Reunion | | 55.25 | -21.0667 | Jardin d'Eden, l'Ermitage | 8295 | bone | pig | -19.62 | 365 | 35 | | 0.9553 | 0.0041 | |
| OxA-5345 | Angola | | 15.5833 | -9.66667 | Kapanda | 7565 | bone | femur | -14.33 | 75 | 50 | | 0.9907 | 0.006 | |
| OxA-5346 | Angola | | 15.5833 | -9.66667 | Kapanda | 7566 | bone | cranium | -14.1 | 185 | 50 | | 0.9774 | 0.0058 | |
| OxA-3709 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Kesh | 22/ F21123 | bone | Dicrostonyx torquatas | -20 | 10060 | 100 | | 0.285837 | 0.00355828 | |
| OxA-3706 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 18/ F21119 | bone | Ursus arctos | -16.9 | 11920 | 85 | | 0.226756 | 0.00239939 | |
| OxA-3707 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 19/ F21122 | bone | Equus caballus | -21.8 | 1580 | 55 | | 0.821446 | 0.00562424 | |
| OxA-3708 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 20/ F21120 | bone | Canis lupus | -17.4 | 11150 | 90 | | 0.249568 | 0.0027961 | |
| OxA-5736 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 89, F21297-21299 | bone | Lepus timidus | -20.43 | 12190 | 130 | | 0.2194 | 0.0036 | |
| OxA-5737 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 90, KL283C/243A/281E | bone | Rana temporaria | -21.17 | 550 | 55 | | 0.9337 | 0.0062 | |
| OxA-5738 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Keshcorran | 91, F21301 | bone | Mustela erminea | -20.19 | 7650 | 130 | | 0.3859 | 0.006 | |
| OxA-4269 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreaney | 39, KE1, 1214 | bone | Bos taurus | -22.5 | 5190 | 80 | | 0.524094 | 0.00521941 | |
| OxA-4239 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 49/F21149-F21153 | bone | Dicrostonyx torquatas | -21.4 | 10360 | 120 | | 0.275359 | 0.00411342 | |
| OxA-4240 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 50/F21154 | bone | Rangifer tarandus | -18.5 | 10990 | 120 | | 0.254589 | 0.00380314 | |
| OxA-4242 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 52/F21156 | bone | Sus scrofa | -21.2 | 8340 | 110 | | 0.354085 | 0.00484867 | |
| OxA-5732 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 85, F21290 | bone | Mustela Erminea | -19.9 | 9980 | 90 | | 0.2886 | 0.0031 | |
| OxA-5733 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 86, F21291 | bone | Felis lynx | -18.86 | 8875 | 70 | | 0.3313 | 0.0029 | |
| OxA-5734 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 87, F21292 | bone | Bos sp. | -22.5 | 1515 | 55 | | 0.8282 | 0.0058 | |
| OxA-5735 | Ireland | | -7.73333 | 52.0833 | Kilgreany Cave | 88, F21293 | bone | Martes martes | -19.74 | 2780 | 55 | | 0.7074 | 0.0047 | |
| OxA-5743 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Killavullen | 96, F21302 | bone | Mustela erminea | -21.58 | 10680 | 110 | | 0.2646 | 0.0037 | |
| OxA-5863 | UK | | -2.66061 | 51.837 | King Arthur's Cave | | bone | human | -21.32 | 4670 | 60 | | 0.5592 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-5994 | Reunion | | 55.25 | -21.0667 | L'Ermitage | 8296 | bone | tortoise | -21.26 | 1755 | 40 | | 0.8038 | 0.0039 | |
| OxA-3946 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Balme a Collomb | W4-XVIII, 1(-0-13) | bone | - | -21.2 | 24160 | 370 | | 0.0494104 | 0.00227584 | |
| OxA-4576 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Balme a Collomb | 7238 | bone | | -22.2 | 45200 | 0 | > | 0.0004 | 0.0016 | |
| OxA-4407 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru | 7074 | bone | | -20.2 | 8050 | 90 | | 0.367 | 0.0039 | |
| OxA-4408 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru | 7075 | bone | Equus | -21.4 | 12600 | 120 | | 0.2083 | 0.003 | |
| OxA-5260 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru, Savoie | 7991 | bone | | -18.62 | 14060 | 130 | | 0.1737 | 0.0028 | |
| OxA-5261 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru, Savoie | 7992 | bone | | -20.35 | 12810 | 110 | | 0.203 | 0.0029 | |
| OxA-5262 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru, Savoie | 7993 | bone | | -20.63 | 12770 | 110 | | 0.2041 | 0.0028 | |
| OxA-5263 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru, Savoie | 7994 | bone | | -20.51 | 12740 | 110 | | 0.2048 | 0.0029 | |
| OxA-5264 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Fru, Savoie | 7995 | bone | | -20.11 | 12110 | 110 | | 0.2215 | 0.003 | |
| OxA-5370 | France | | 5.63333 | 45.2 | La Grande Rivoire | 7999 | bone | Bos | -22.1 | 5030 | 70 | | 0.5346 | 0.0047 | |
| OxA-4445 | France | | 0 | 0 | La Pierre Fiche | 7109 | bone | bovid | -20.4 | 3985 | 75 | | 0.6087 | 0.0059 | |
| OxA-5363 | France | | -4.36667 | 44.5167 | La Torche, Finistere | 7920 | bone | human | -19.47 | 4140 | 55 | | 0.5971 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-4092 | Spain | | -2.23333 | 43.3333 | La Vina | V9/XIIIA/38/Julio 90 | bone | - | -20.6 | 19930 | 220 | | 0.0836582 | 0.00229115 | |
| OxA-4726 | Turkey | | 29.5 | 0 | Lac d'Iznik, Bursa | 7399-TUR 93 2 | bone | | -20.1 | 745 | 45 | | 0.9116 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-4721 | Switzerland | | 6.81667 | 46.5333 | Lac de Neuchatel | 7441-C19,61.5cm | plant remains | lake | -26.6 | 705 | 55 | | 0.9161 | 0.0063 | |
| OxA-4722 | Switzerland | | 6.81667 | 46.5333 | Lac de Neuchatel | 7442-C19,68.5cm | plant remains | lake | -28.9 | 755 | 65 | | 0.9102 | 0.0072 | |
| OxA-4927 | France | | 0 | 0 | Le Fief du Chail | 7610 | bone | | -19.2 | 3510 | 55 | | 0.646 | 0.0044 | |
| OxA-5995 | France | | 2.46667 | 48.6333 | Les Coudrays | 8326 | bone | horse | -21.2 | 12250 | 100 | | 0.2177 | 0.0026 | |
| OxA-5682 | France | | 0 | 0 | Les Iboussieres | 8170 | bone | deer | -19.81 | 10210 | 80 | | 0.2804 | 0.0029 | |
| OxA-5866 | UK | | -0.0818607 | 51.5131 | Lloyd's Site | | tooth | human | -19.37 | 1665 | 50 | | 0.8126 | 0.0052 | |
| OxA-3710 | Ireland | | -8.25 | 53.7333 | Lough Shad | 23/ F20927 | bone | Equus caballus | -21.8 | 535 | 55 | | 0.935569 | 0.00640561 | |
| OxA-6110 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Magheralin | A69 - 1908 (98) | bone | Cervus elaphus | -23.01 | 3760 | 55 | | 0.6263 | 0.0044 | |
| OxA-4723 | France | | -1.83333 | 47.3667 | Malville | 7471 | plant remains | | -26.8 | 0 | 0 | m | 1.3239 | 0.0083 | |
| OxA-3715 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Mayo TD | 28/ F14966 | antler | Alces alces | -21.1 | 10 | 60 | | 0.998756 | 0.0074599 | |
| OxA-3944 | France | | 6.6 | 47.0333 | Morteau (25) | MB (25) 3064-3065 | sediment | - | -27.9 | 11730 | 100 | | 0.232184 | 0.00289037 | |
| OxA-4285 | France | | 6.58333 | 47.05 | Moulin Bournez | 6385, Ly-5 | sediment | - | -28.1 | 9830 | 110 | | 0.294139 | 0.0040278 | |
| OxA-4268 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Moynagh Lough | 67/ | bone | Bos taurus | -21.4 | 1660 | 70 | | 0.813306 | 0.00708719 | |
| OxA-5821 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | New Church,Lough Gur | 84 | bone | human | -20.72 | 2935 | 60 | | 0.694 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-3703 | Ireland | | -9 | 58.7833 | Newhall Cave | 5/ F21106 | bone | Cervus elaphus | -18.8 | 2270 | 60 | | 0.753833 | 0.00563052 | |
| OxA-3723 | Ireland | | -9 | 58.7833 | Newhall Cave | 37/NH114 | bone | Megaceros giganteus | -20.7 | 11750 | 90 | | 0.231606 | 0.00259487 | |
| OxA-3724 | Ireland | | -9 | 58.7833 | Newhall Cave | 38/NH27 | bone | Canis lupus | -21.5 | 1730 | 60 | | 0.80625 | 0.00602203 | |
| OxA-5640 | France | | 0 | 0 | Notre Dame du Bourg | 8117 | bone | human | -18.65 | 1710 | 50 | | 0.8082 | 0.0049 | |
| OxA-4443 | France | | 0 | 0 | Park-ar-Hastel | 6976 | tooth | bovid | -21.1 | 1025 | 65 | | 0.8803 | 0.007 | |
| OxA-5865 | UK | | -2.86757 | 51.2909 | Picken's Hole | | tooth | human | -20.68 | 4800 | 55 | | 0.5501 | 0.0039 | |
| OxA-3693 | Ireland | | -8.45 | 54.05 | Plunkett Cave | 36/PK67 | bone | Cervus elaphus | -18.1 | 11790 | 120 | | 0.230456 | 0.00344264 | |
| OxA-6153 | France | | 0 | 0 | Poses, st 46 | 8488 | bone | | -25.04 | 5800 | 65 | | 0.4857 | 0.0038 | |
| OxA-6154 | France | | 0 | 0 | Poses, st 52 | 8489 | bone | | -24.18 | 6175 | 65 | | 0.4637 | 0.0039 | |
| OxA-6152 | France | | 0 | 0 | Poses, st 63 | 8487 | bone | | -23.67 | 5730 | 60 | | 0.4902 | 0.0037 | |
| OxA-6202 | France | | 0 | 0 | Poses, st 85 | 8490 | bone | | -25.72 | 1990 | 60 | | 0.7805 | 0.0059 | |
| OxA-3704 | Ireland | | -8.51667 | 52.5167 | Red Cellar | 15/ F21104 | bone | Ursus arctos | -17.3 | 10650 | 100 | | 0.265595 | 0.0033063 | |
| OxA-6581 | UK | | -1.20091 | 53.2621 | Robin Hood Cave | | bone | human | -19.917 | 1785 | 50 | | 0.8008 | 0.0047 | |
| OxA-4540 | France | | -40.5667 | 0 | Roc'h Avel | 7245 | charcoal | | -24.52 | 3930 | 65 | | 0.6132 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-4604 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Rockmarshall, Co. Louth | 79 | bone | human femur | -18.1 | 5705 | 75 | | 0.4916 | 0.0045 | |
| OxA-4406 | France | | 0 | 0 | rue S. M. Berthet | 6980 | wood | | -27.2 | 17560 | 180 | | 0.1123 | 0.0024 | |
| OxA-4940 | France | | 0 | 0 | Saint Victor | 7514 | bone | human | -18.43 | 1015 | 55 | | 0.8811 | 0.0062 | |
| OxA-6098 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 47.5-48.0cm | peat | | -29.8 | 1240 | 45 | | 0.8572 | 0.0046 | |
| OxA-6099 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 60.0-60.5cm | peat | | -30.3 | 1245 | 45 | | 0.8566 | 0.0046 | |
| OxA-6100 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 95.0-95.5cm | peat | | -29.48 | 2120 | 45 | | 0.768 | 0.0045 | |
| OxA-6101 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 122.0-122.5cm | peat | | -29.86 | 2365 | 45 | | 0.7451 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-6102 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 138.0-138.5cm | peat | | -29.01 | 3140 | 50 | | 0.6766 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-6103 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 160.0-160.5cm | peat | | -26.8 | 3535 | 45 | | 0.6439 | 0.0037 | |
| OxA-6119 | UK | | 1.14898 | 52.3634 | Scole | 88.0-88.5cm | peat | | -28.88 | 2015 | 35 | | 0.7783 | 0.0035 | |
| OxA-5367 | United Arab Emirates | | 0 | 0 | Sharjah | 7977 | shell | land snails | -9.02 | 5090 | 75 | | 0.5308 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-5368 | United Arab Emirates | | 0 | 0 | Sharjah | 7978 | shell | marine | -1.31 | 3950 | 60 | | 0.6116 | 0.0045 | |
| OxA-5369 | United Arab Emirates | | 0 | 0 | Sharjah | 7979 | shell | land snail | -1.18 | 6950 | 120 | | 0.4211 | 0.0062 | |
| OxA-6357 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 17cm | sediment | | -27.991 | 3735 | 60 | | 0.6283 | 0.0048 | |
| OxA-6358 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 33cm | sediment | | -28.098 | 4095 | 65 | | 0.6008 | 0.0048 | |
| OxA-6359 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 57cm | sediment | | -27.929 | 5085 | 65 | | 0.531 | 0.0043 | |
| OxA-6360 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 73cm | sediment | | -28.191 | 5185 | 65 | | 0.5245 | 0.0043 | |
| OxA-6361 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 97cm | sediment | | -27.835 | 5485 | 65 | | 0.5051 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-6362 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 117cm | sediment | | -28.5 | 5825 | 70 | | 0.4842 | 0.0041 | |
| OxA-6363 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 137cm | sediment | | -27.886 | 8355 | 80 | | 0.3534 | 0.0034 | |
| OxA-6364 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Snail Channel | 149cm | sediment | | -28.191 | 8805 | 80 | | 0.3342 | 0.0033 | |
| OxA-5562 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chad's Cathedral | CHAD 6 | bone | human | -20.07 | 1255 | 50 | | 0.8551 | 0.0055 | |
| OxA-5563 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chad's Cathedral | CHAD 1 | bone | human | -19.87 | 1400 | 50 | | 0.8402 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-5564 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chad's Cathedral | CHAD 2 | bone | human | -19.96 | 1435 | 50 | | 0.8366 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-5565 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chad's Cathedral | CHAD 3 | bone | human | -20.1 | 1430 | 50 | | 0.8368 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-5854 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chads Cathedral | Chad 4 | bone | human | -19.21 | 1345 | 50 | | 0.846 | 0.005 | |
| OxA-5855 | UK | | 0 | 0 | St. Chads Cathedral | Chad 5 | bone | human | -19.84 | 1365 | 40 | | 0.8437 | 0.0044 | |
| OxA-4405 | France | | 0 | 0 | St.Thibaud-de-Couz | 6975 | bone | dog | -19.7 | 10050 | 100 | | 0.2862 | 0.0036 | |
| OxA-3712 | Ireland | | -7.5 | 53.6667 | Stonestown | 25/ F19583/52 | bone | Cervus elaphus | -21.5 | 4190 | 65 | | 0.593571 | 0.00480295 | |
| OxA-3691 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Sutton | 29/ | bone | Bos taurus | -20.5 | 6660 | 80 | | 0.436451 | 0.00434658 | |
| OxA-3960 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Sutton | 29/ | bone | Bos taurus | -23.5 | 6560 | 75 | | 0.441918 | 0.00412596 | |
| OxA-4449 | Ireland | | 0 | 0 | Sutton, Co. Dublin | 70 | bone | Sus scrofa | -19.5 | 7140 | 100 | | 0.4109 | 0.0053 | |
| OxA-3719 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Sydenham | 31/ 382-1919 | tooth | Equus caballus | -23.5 | 120 | 65 | | 0.985173 | 0.00797164 | |
| OxA-3720 | UK | | 0 | 0 | Sydenham | 32/ P382-1919 | bone | Cervus elaphus | -21.6 | 2020 | 65 | | 0.777662 | 0.00629255 | |
| OxA-5864 | UK | | -3.6689 | 50.4938 | Tornewton Cave | | tooth | human | -21.33 | 4680 | 60 | | 0.5586 | 0.0042 | |
| OxA-6205 | UK | | -2.92832 | 51.7346 | Trostrey Castle | T/C 150 | charred bone | | -26.39 | 2275 | 60 | | 0.7532 | 0.0057 | |
| OxA-3711 | Ireland | | -10.3333 | 52.1167 | Ventry | 24/ F20932 | bone | Cervus elaphus | -20.6 | 3985 | 60 | | 0.608914 | 0.00454809 | |
| OxA-4093 | France | | 0 | 0 | Villefranche-s-Saone | mammoth tusk | ivory | mammoth | -20.5 | 21330 | 240 | | 0.070278 | 0.00209968 | |
| OxA-4741 | UK | | -2.4 | 55 | Vindolanda | TT/85/081 | textile | wool | -22.9 | 1985 | 45 | | 0.7813 | 0.0043 | |
| OxA-4742 | UK | | -2.4 | 55 | Vindolanda | TT/87/285 | textile | linen | -23.4 | 2045 | 45 | | 0.7754 | 0.0043 | |
| OxA-4743 | UK | | -2.4 | 55 | Vindolanda | TT/626 | textile | linen | -23.5 | 1925 | 45 | | 0.787 | 0.0044 | |
- Hedges, R. E. M., Pettitt, P. B., Bronk Ramsey, C., & Van Klinken, G. J. (1997). Radiocarbon dates from the oxford ams system: archaeometry datelist 24. Archaeometry, 39(2), 445-471. data
- by: Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit
- url:
- updated: 2025-01-20T08:04:07+00:00
- retrieved: 2025-01-20T08:04:07+00:00
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Site designed by: Christopher Bronk Ramsey, University of Oxford